Author: Lorenzo De Angelis
Co-authors: Vito Spagnuolo, Ruben Barbera, Stanislao Rizzo
Purpose: To describe a case of metallic intra-ocular foreign body (IOFB) removal via pars plana during a 23 G pars plana vitrectomy to repair a retinal detachment in a patient with recent history of panuveitisSetting/Venue: Eye Clinic University of Florence
Methods: Video presentation
Results: A 38-year-old man with a recent history of panuveitis in his right was referred to our clinic for retinal detachment development. Slit lamp examination revealed cortical cataract and vitreous torbidity among with supero-temporal retinal detachment. During 23 G PPV a metallic IOFB was found at pars plana level and was removed throught a 3mm sclerotomy. After endolaser retinopexy silicon oil was choose as tamponade. The postoperative course was eventful and after oil removal best corrected visual acuity was 20/20 Snellen.
Conclusions: This case shows how a undiagnosed metallic foreign body can have prolonged and atypical symptom presentation, including chronic anterior or posterior segment inflammation, mimicking uveitis. The development of retinal detachment was pivotal to detect the IOFB preventing retinal degeneration and severe visual loss.