Author: Karina Spiess
Co-authors: Angela Ding Wu, Mostafa A. Elgohary
Purpose: Spontaneous resolution of idiopathic epiretinal membrane (ERM) is a rare event that can be observed in up to 3% of cases. Two main mechanisms have been suggested: most commonly, posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) induction can lead to a separation of the ERM from the retina and secondly, in patients with preexisting PVD, a tangential traction mechanism from the cells in the inner retinal layers might explain a spontaneous ERM release.We present two cases of spontaneous anatomical improvement of ERM imaged by Optical Coherence Tomography associated with subjective improvement of patient’s visual symptoms.
Setting/Venue: Kingston Hospital Foundation Trust, Kingston-upon-Thames, UK
Methods: Two female patients aged 70 and 77 years presented with blurry vision and mild distortion were found to have ERMs with retinal thickening and straightening of the foveal contour. On presentation, the first patient had PVD whereas the second patient had incomplete PVD. Given the mild symptoms with low functional impact, early surgical intervention was not considered and patients were monitored regularly.
Results: After 43 and 22 months respectively, a spontaneous anatomical resolution of ERM was noted with restored foveal contour along with a perceived improvement of metamorphopsia by both patients.
Conclusions: Albeit rare, spontaneous improvement of ERM can be occasionally observed during follow-up without surgical intervention.
Financial Disclosure: No financial relationships to disclose.