St Thomas’ Hospital and Maidstone Hospital
Dear Colleagues,
It is my great honour and privilege to invite you to the 10th EURETINA Winter Meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania on Saturday 11th March 2023. The meeting will take place in the welcoming surroundings of the Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva, situated near the centre of old Vilnius. It is particularly pleasing to be able to attend Vilnius after a succession of Covid-related postponements and particular thanks is owed to Prof. Vilma Jurate Balciuniene, Euretina Co-opted Board Member and native of Lithuania for all her help in organising the meeting.
Be sure to join us in Vilnius when we will be listening to expert presentations and discussing the latest updates on Vascular Disease, Retinal Dystrophies, Macular Disease, Imaging, Artificial Intelligence, VR Surgery, Tumours and Uveitis. We will also have input from our colleagues in YOURS, who will provide a young retina specialist perspective on the matters affecting the field of retina.
We will also be accepting poster abstracts for display throughout the meeting so make sure to submit your abstract before the submission closes on Sunday 18th December.
We look forward to seeing you in Vilnius on 11th March 2023!
Yours sincerely,

Alistair Laidlaw
President, Euretina